Our District Governor (DG) Sherry Peckhoon Sim

Since 2009, Sherry also served in various capacities at district level : Group Representative, Foundation Area Representative, Membership Representative, Assistant Governor (two years in a row from 2018-2020), and Region 4 Executive Assistant Governor. She also chaired the Group 11 Global Community Services Committee, and District Community Services Committee twice. Sherry also participated in the ‘National Immunization Day’ to India in 2014.
A strong believer in The Rotary Foundation, Sherry is a Major Donor Level 2 donor, Multiple Paul Harris Fellow, Benefactor, member of the Paul Harris Society, Bequest Society, District 5240 Triple Crown Donor Circle & Polio Plus Society. Sherry is also a PRLS (Practical Relevant Leadership Skills) & Master PRLS graduate. Over the years, Sherry has received several Governor recognitions and awards, including the District Service Award in 2012-2013, Rotary International’s Citation for All Avenues of Service in 2014-2015, and Rotary District 5240 Samuel L. Greene Service Above Self Award in 2022-2023.
A native of Singapore, Sherry settled in California in 1988, and relocated to Cayucos in 2002. With over 20 years’ experience in international business and tourism marketing, Sherry has been selling real estate for about 20 years. She owns and operates her own real estate brokerage, Sim Real Estate Inc, in Cayucos since 2011. Named ‘Realtor of the Year 2010’, Sherry had presided and held various leadership positions at local and state levels, including the position of Regional Chair representing seven local REALTOR associations at the California Association of REALTORS in 2016. Sherry loves and embraces Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self” as her own business motto and slogan.
When it comes to food, Sherry loves to eat. She loves to cook, explore and create varying cuisines. Having fun in Rotary is also no exception. ‘If music be the food of love, play on’, said Shakespeare in Twelfth Night. For Sherry, music is a universal language and a chance to feel free and dance. She has three “R”s in her life : Riley (her dog), Real Estate & Rotary.
Indelibly, Rotary is here to stay. The 4-Way Test guiding principles, and the Object of Rotary resonates with Sherry. Ultimately it’s the Rotary family and friendships that holds dear in Sherry’s heart. Other than her son, Dilip, Sherry has no immediate family in the U.S. So, Sherry has embraced her Rotary family as part of her personal family. Through meeting Rotarians and participating in local and global projects, Sherry found that every Rotarian has an innate love for humanity. It is Sherry’s hope to spread her theme, “Rotary is Love” with everyone, and that love will in turn be multiplied, and shared far and near, so that we can grow together to make a difference and change lives.