Bakersfield North put on a couple Community Service Projects...
The Wine Mafia is held each year as a fund raiser to augment the income from Dinner at the Derby.  Dinner at the Derby nets about $120,000 each year and Wine Mafia $20,000 to $25,000.  At the Dinner at the Derby, Youth Connection get the first $20,000 and then we split the rest. That makes their income around $75,000.  30% goes into their savings account (investments) and 70% is spent on charity and scholarships.  The foundation has organizations that depend on their contributions; therefore, they need two fundraisers.

Their second, Trunk or Treat, is put out by the Sherriff's Department in Bakersfield for the neighborhood in Oildale, CA. It benefits Standard Middle School - the underprivileged kids there go to there local Kohl's Department Store and the club takes them on a shopping spree to get them some school supplies and clothes.