The Rotary Club of Santa Maria Noon Interact Club held the 1st Annual International Food Faire May 3rd. There were 12 countries represented. Noon Rotary Youth Director Erinn Dougherty brought the group in. Club Advisor, Honorary Rotarian Jules Tuggle is a teacher at St. Josephs High School where the club is located. Jules put this 1 minute video together for our benefit.
The Food Faire activity was designed to introduce the entire 450 student body to other cultures. It was a peace building activity. $1000. was raised to send to a "sister high school" in Africa. A handful of the Interact Club members were brought in a van by Sports Coach Tom along with school Principal Erinn from the school to the Noon Club meeting May 10th.
After lunch and their presentation, our Club Sergeant at Arms Tom Ross was fining members for not knowing the answer to various trivia questions. Tom also asked the foreign exchange students a stumper question....after which the student from Ghana said loudly. "I have a question for YOU".
"What is the capital of Ghana?" Now there was a stumper question! Fun was had by bringing in these delightful young Rotarians. BTW the answer is: Accra! Here is the link of the Food Faire video.