District Grants





District grants fund small-scale, short-term activities that address needs in your community and communities abroad. Each district chooses which activities it will fund with these grants.

What district grants support

You can use district grants to fund a variety of district and club projects and activities, including:
  • Humanitarian projects, including service travel and disaster recovery efforts
  • Scholarships for any level, length of time, location, or area of study
  • Youth programs, including Rotary Youth Exchange, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Rotaract, and Interact
  • Vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about their field or to learn more about it themselves
You have plenty of freedom to customize your service projects.

How they’re funded

Districts may apply up to 50 percent of their District Designated Funds for district grant in a given year. This percentage is calculated based on the amount of DDF generated from the district’s Annual Fund giving three years prior, including Endowment Fund earnings.


Clubs need to become qualified to apply for district grants.  Qualification must be renewed annually.  Club qualification procedures are outlined in the "Grants Qualification" section.

How clubs request funds

Make sure your club becomes qualified before you submit your club's grant application.  Links to application forms can be found in the Related Pages section at left for the appropriate District Grant year.
District Grant applications for the 2025-2026 RY will be accepted between February 1, 2025 and March 31, 2025.


District 5240 District Grants Committee 2023-26

District Grants Committee Chair: George Poulakos, RC Cambria, gjp@tribecacom.com

Committee Members: 

Deborah Davila, RC of Simi Sunrise, deb.davila59@gmail.com

Li Gibbs, RC of Bakersfield East, ligibbs@me.com

Julie Jenkins, RC of Cambria, jjenkins845@charter.net

Patty Evans, RC of Goleta, patty.evans@yardi.com

Ex-Officio Members:

District Grants Subcommittee Chair – Chas Wilson, RC Simi Sunrise, cwilson3169@yahoo.com

District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair – Nick Frankle, RC Westlake Morning, nickdg1617@earthlink.net